2004 / 60 MINUTES
“This is the first time that a work has made me intimately understand the man behind it… Astonishing! Interesting from several perspectives, Apricot Trees Exist is also well-accompanied by its beautiful lighting […]”
François Dufort, DFdanse, 2004
Apricot Trees Exist was inspired by Alphabet, the renowned poem by Danish author Inger Christensen. This creation is an ode to daily life and the role played by wonder. The philosophical and visionary qualities of the poem are highlighted using simple references to daily life, trees, doves, fruit and paper. The banal and the marvellous rub shoulders like life and death; extracting deep meditative states. Roger Sinha handles this duality masterfully, shifting the dancers from the individual to the universal, from control to abandon and from proximity with others to isolation.
Choreography / Roger Sinha / Rehearsal Direction / Sophie Michaud / Dancers / David Flewelling, Sophie lavigne, Benoît Leduc, Julie Marcil, Magdalena Nowecka, George Stamos / Music / Bertrand Chénier / Lighting / Philippe Dupeyroux / Wardrobe / Louis Hudon / Video conception and projection / Philippe Dupeyroux (concept by Roger Sinha) / Text / Inger Christensen / English traduction / Susanne Nied / Voice / Roger Sinha (English)