28 November 2016

The Cultural Diversity Prize in Dance, presented by the Conseil des arts de Montréal and the PRIX DE LA DANSE DE MONTREAL 2016 was awarded to Roger Sinha. The $10,000 Prize is given every year to a culturally diverse individual or organisation with the aim to recognize either their significant contribution to the dance milieu, or a remarkable production presented in the previous season (2015 winner Nyata Nyata Compagnie de Danse, Zab Maboungou).

The CAM jury celebrated 25 years of creation from Roger Sinha, whose works often reflect issues of diversity, and recognized his exceptional contribution to the development of the discipline, the originality of his approach, and his steadfast commitment to fellow artists and citizens. This prize pays tribute to his lifetime achievements; demonstrated through multi-faceted talents including choreographer, dancer, teacher, mediator and video artist. Roger’s distinct choreographic language is based upon an intermingling of his Indian background and Canadian culture. His creations unite Bharata Natyam, a dance originating in Southern India, martial arts, and contemporary dance. More recently he has also integrated interactive media and technology. The prize was presented to Roger Sinha by Nathalie Maillé, Executive Director of the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

Created in 2011 by choreographer Marie Chouinard, the PRIX DE LA DANSE DE MONTRÉAL recognizes the excellence of individuals, companies and institutions within the dance domain. The prizes serve to reaffirm Montreal’s role as a vibrant dance capital and to raise its international profile.

Roger Sinha and Sinha Danse wish to congratulate the other talented winners of the 2016 PRIX DE LA DANSE DE MONTREAL: Édouard Lock, Grand Prix de la Danse de Montréal 2016 ; Sophie Corriveau, Prix Interprète ; Daina Ashbee, Prix Découverte et Prix Meilleure Oeuvre Chorégraphique de la saison ; Gilles Savary, Prix du Gestionnaire Culturel.

Read the Press Release.
Photo: @ Adriana Garcia Cruz
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